Pricing - the eternal struggle of artists everywhere. ...more
The Business of Art
January 31, 2025•8 min read
There are days when being an artist feels a lot like being a magician without a wand. ...more
Life and the Universe
January 24, 2025•6 min read
James Clear once said, "If you keep showing up, you'll almost certainly break through — but probably not in the way you expected or intended. ...more
Life and the Universe
January 24, 2025•3 min read
Ah, the fine art of losing yourself. Not the dramatic, storm-off-into-the-wilderness kind of losing yourself, but the slow, sneaky erosion of who you are, one small, seemingly innocent compromise at a... ...more
Life and the Universe
January 17, 2025•3 min read
As a fused glass artist (or, as I prefer to call myself, a glass-thrower and kiln-wisher), I have a deep appreciation for those who manage to turn the humble craft of melting glass into a global pheno... ...more
Local Artists ,Life and the Universe
January 10, 2025•3 min read
Let’s start with a universal truth: we all think we’re right. About everything. All the time. ...more
Life and the Universe
January 03, 2025•4 min read